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Hiba comes together to combat the novel coronavirus

07 Feb 2020
In the midst of celebrating Chinese New Year, the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus in Wuhan, Hubei has attracted much attention at home and abroad. This epidemic is severely testing hospitals around the country, as they try their utmost to contain the outbreak.

Hiba pupils in action Instilling a sense of national duty and Chinese citizenship in Hiba pupils has always been part of our educational philosophy. In a moment of crisis such as this, Hiba pupils cannot and should not simply stand by and do nothing. In addition to monitoring daily updates of epidemic situation, Hiba pupils in our Junior High school wanted to do what they could to help the frontline healthcare workers. Accordingly, they have been making great efforts to support these medical workers who are fighting against the epidemic by offering what they have.

House captains during the fundraising initiative meeting On 26th January, twelve Hiba house captains from grade 7 spontaneously put forward a fundraising initiative designed to allow for the purchasing of masks, goggles, protective gowns and other items for hospitals and doctors combating novel coronavirus. Even though our current circumstances are being affected by strict restrictions designed to help us protect ourselves, this has not prevented our pupils from taking action to help others in need. The house captains worked out a detailed plan and division of duties. Then they performed their own tasks to make things progress in an orderly manner; namely, coordination, promotion, communication with suppliers and contact with hospitals.

The highly efficient organisation illustrated the Hiba identity of Inspired, Independent and Inclusive in our pupils. Encouragingly, the captains’ initiative has received an enthusiastic response from Hiba teachers, pupils and parents. The house captains have also made sure that the gathering and donating of funds was transparent – with complete records of donations in and out. A total of RMB 117,817.69 has been raised by 5th February. 2300 pairs of goggles, 2100 pieces of 3M N95 masks, 7000 pairs of medical gloves and 200 pieces of protection suits have been purchased and donated to 13 hospitals in Hubei, Wenzhou in Zhejiang province and Shanghai. The hospitals, including Hubei Cancer Hospital, Wenzhou Yueqing People’s Hospital, Shanghai Huashan Hospital and Shuguang Hospital of Shanghai, have successfully received the emergency materials. Joint effort from the Hiba community As an essential part of the Hiba family, parents were enthusiastic about offering pupils their support in terms of social coordination and other areas, aiding them in purchasing medical items with funds while ensuring that donations would be delivered to their intended recipients. Hiba donations

The participation of parent volunteers and members of the Shanghai United Foundation "Friends of Hiba" Charity Fund helped make the entire fundraising process smooth, efficient and transparent.

All the critical actions were updated and published for the purpose of information transparency. Additionally, several people were specifically tasked with ensuring that all donations followed the relevant requirements and guidelines given by associated charities and healthcare organisations, in order to make sure that all of the raised funds will go to where they are most needed without delay. In a very short period of time, Hiba pupils, who have clearly demonstrated their love of their country and fellow human beings, managed to turn thought into action and took the initiative to fundraise for those most in need. The whole initiative proved that the Hiba values of Integrity, Kindness and Responsibility are deeply rooted in Hiba pupils.

We believe that with a concerted and coordinated effort, China will overcome this epidemic soon and will continue to play a vital role on the world stage.