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力求改变的英才计划(Fellowship for Change)”是由哥伦比亚大学全球中心推出的高中生社会创新影响力项目,旨在通过赋能高中生来解决迫在眉睫的社会议题。




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Columbia University's Fellowship for Change (FFC) is an exceptional learning opportunity that provides a full scholarship to a diverse group of 20 high school pupils. Through this one-year programme, pupils embark on a transformative journey where they learn from social impact leaders and Columbia professors. Together, they collaborate to develop, execute and maintain social impact initiatives.













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After a rigorousapplication process, grade 10 pupil Jessica, was selected out of 400candidates. Over the next year, she will take part in monthly online seminars,field visits, discussion groups, and project workshops. Through theseactivities, Jessica will learn how to maximise her positive impact on theworld.  


"The world is filled with many good individuals, but there are fewer who possess genuine compassion and take notice of society's overlooked aspects,” Jessica explained. “As part of the new generation, it is our responsibility to bring about change in the world. The FFC programme serves as a platform that unites young people who share similar aspirations and have a strong desire to make a positive impact on society. It provides us with an opportunity to collectively address more social issues and contribute to creating a better world."








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Jessica has actively participated in the Loutang Migrant Children Support Programme since its founding year. She has witnessed its growth and achievements, including being recognized as the 'Outstanding Charity Club' in the 2023 Emerging Visionaries Awards. Throughout her journey, she has remained dedicated to her original purpose of joining the charity. We firmly believe that the FFC programme will empower her to make a more profound impact on social issues.











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Around the same time, we had the pleasure of hosting a group of marketing and admissions staff from Columbia University. They conducted an informative workshop for our pupils and parents. This visit, along with our participation in the Spring 2024 Global University Fair in China, has strengthened the connection between our two schools. 


These experiences have inspired our pupils to learn from experts and make wise use of the information. This reflects the educational tradition at Hiba, where we strive to provide our pupils with access to broader resources and development opportunities.


We believe that the collision of ideas and the constant practice of innovation will help Hiba pupils have a more diversified and broader space for development and become young changemakers with a global vision and a sense of social responsibility, just as the motto of Hiba education, ‘Be You. Be More’.