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Pupil Leadership Development at Huili

01 May 2019

One of the most important aims of our mission as a school is to develop pupils who may become the world’s future leaders. Of course, leadership is not something which emerges instantaneously at age 25, 45, or even 65; the essence of leadership is grown from tiny seeds of opportunity and then carefully fertilised by parents, teachers and formative experiences.

From the very beginning of our first year at Huili, we have developed many opportunities for pupils to seek leadership roles. From door monitors and house captains, to pupils who offer peer support for their classmates’ positive mental health. Each opportunity for leadership reinforces a sense of responsibility to act in the interests of others, and to think carefully about the way in which commendable conduct is modelled.

Every pupil at Huili has the capacity to become a leader; the school leaders we are looking for will almost certainly embody our Huili Values, but they are also likely to demonstrate additional attributes which qualify them for leadership. For example, honesty and integrity are key qualities in a good leader – it is often hard to make the right choice when others do not; the ability to inspire those around you by demonstrating your commitment and enthusiasm (along with good communication skills to help convey a message effectively) are also a high priority; a good leader is able to think quickly, sometimes making decisions which will impact those around them, so accountability and responsibility are essential; often, leaders will observe potential in others, which can lead to the development of their successors, so discernment and ‘outsight’ are both valuable assets for those in roles of responsibility.

In the coming months, we will be extending and developing the pupil leadership roles at Huili. Teachers have been observing pupils and have already begun to identify those who appear prepared to take on more responsibility. Pupils should also begin to think about how they can increase their contribution to the Huili community by taking the lead in areas which interest them. Some suggestions include: playground co-ordinators; environmental champions; peer mentors; and form/tutor group representatives. In addition to those mentioned at the beginning and end of this piece, we are always ready to hear ideas from our own pupils. Those with ideas to share should contact Mrs Mulholland, their form tutor or house master. We welcome their ideas for positive change in our learning community.